Exploring the world of Jira Query Language

Note the Syntax Help link, which opens a reference page to the JQL language. You might find that query returns too many issues as it includes everything from your backlog as well as issues you are currently working on. You can tighten it up a bit by eliminating the backlog issues. This ensures that everyone understands what a specific filter does. And avoids other users creating duplicate filters if they’ve missed the point of an already existing filter.

Note that you can only find issues for which you have the “View Voters and Watchers” permission, unless you are searching for your own votes. Search for issues where the summary contains specific text using Jira text-search syntax. You can search by status name or status ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a status).

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Scoping and sorting your queries will make it easy to see the exact information you need. In the above query, Jira would return a list of issues sorted by assignee first, then sort by due date for all issues with the same assignee. On the other hand, JQL sorting will allow you to order the list of returned issues in a specific manner using the keyword “ORDER BY”.

The Request Type key cannot be changed once the Request Type is created. Search for issues that were created by a particular user. You can search by the user’s full name, ID, or email address.

Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL)

You can search by custom field name or custom field ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a custom field). Only applicable if your Jira administrator has created one or more custom fields. Search for issues that belong to a particular component(s) of a project. You can search by component name or component ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a component). The “IS NOT” operator can only be used with EMPTY or NULL. That is, it is used to search for issues where the specified field has a value.

  • Use the DESC keyword to sort in reverse (newest to oldest).
  • Search for issues that are assigned to a particular user.
  • If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. startOfMonth(“+1”) is the same as startOfMonth(“+1M”).
  • This allows you to get the syntax right when you don’t know it by heart.

The majority of BigPicture modules support Jira’s advanced search capabilities. As you can see in the screenshot above, the search has been successful. Only the elements that fulfill the what are JQL queries and how to use them conditions of the query are listed. Any time you open a text box and start typing, the editor will show a list of suggestions, which makes creating an advanced search query easier.

JQL knowledge is mainly required when you do an advanced search. Queries can be constructed using a combination of keywords, operators, fields, and values. It’s safer to search by version ID than by version name. Different projects may have versions with the same name, so searching by version name may return issues from multiple projects. It is also possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a version, which could break any saved filters that rely on that name. Jira Query Language (JQL) provides the most customized and powerful way to filter and search across your Jira projects.

jql language

Thanks to JaVers magic, you can see historical versions of your domain objects
reconstructed from Snapshots. JQL (JaVers Query Language) is a simple, fluent API
which allows you to query JaversRepository for changes of a given class, object or property. You might use certain searches regularly, so it would be great if Jira remembered the parameters of your JQL search. Another way of verifying if the syntax of your query is correct is to look at the symbol right next to it. If you add enough elements, you can create an incredibly detailed and complex query. There is no better way to make complex searches in Jira.

jql language

Now let’s see which issues got fixed in the last release. Let’s see how we might see what issues got fixed in the last release. Thank you for sharing, I saved this article for reference.

When searching JIRA, it’s easy to perform searches that return too many issues. In the above example both diagrams have the same number of issues we care about (issues with A on them) but the first query isn’t specific enough. Development managers often have to find areas of risk in their programs. Good queries often take a bit of refinement as they get developed. Let’s see if we can find some risky areas in our project PWC.

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